Blog Archive

The voyage within

Starting things is much easier than finishing them. At the beginning of lockdown I made a decision to finish some of the projects I’d begun….but then, like a child who tips the whole toy box upside down instead of playing with one toy at a time, I found more and more things I wanted to continue reading »

Cabin Fever (2)

I’m gradually connecting to my inner hermit and discovering that there are benefits in not tearing around all day trying to fit 48 hours worth of living and doing into every 24. Was it only three weeks ago that it was normal to choose whether to have supper or a shower before going out because continue reading »

Cabin Fever

Two months ago ‘isolation’ meant the wide skies and empty horizon of the Southern Ocean; the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you and your small team of shipmates are over a thousand miles away from other human beings. Now, isolation means confinement, anxiety, the chill of loneliness and uncertainty. I think I’d continue reading »

Oceans and islands Part One

I’ve never bunked off work for two months before, and apologies to anyone who’s been trying to get hold of me whilst I was away, but I’m so glad I did it. My little adventure was at times exciting, surprising, challenging, enjoyable, dull, relaxing, stressful, easy, and tough. I’ve walked in wild places, swum in continue reading »

Boats and bafflement

Do you ever get stuck for ideas? I was asked the other day. Well, no, not often. Not because I’m in a state of permanent inspiration (I’m usually in a state of bewildered panic at how each day slips through my fingers so fast), but because most of my time in the studio is spent continue reading »