Blog Archive

Beyond the horizon lies Antarctica

I’m still working on the final edits of ‘Sketchbook Sailor’, but we’re nearly there. Writing a book is like being pregnant – months of gently growing, then an intense and rather messy bit at the end. Anyway, I think I remember saying at the time that my ocean sailing trip was to be my last continue reading »

The years slip through your hands….

This time last year I was trying to pack an impossible amount of stuff into a suitcase and getting ready for my two month sailing trip. It’s hard to believe that a year has flown by since then and what a strange year it has been. I can’t believe how lucky I was with my continue reading »

The voyage within

Starting things is much easier than finishing them. At the beginning of lockdown I made a decision to finish some of the projects I’d begun….but then, like a child who tips the whole toy box upside down instead of playing with one toy at a time, I found more and more things I wanted to continue reading »

Cabin Fever (3)

What strange times we are in; hugely stressful for many, reflective for others. I’m finding a certain grace in these few weeks, once I’d got over the shock of seeing my work and teaching schedule come crashing down. In the whole time I’ve been self employed, more years than I care to admit, life’s always continue reading »