Impossible is a state of mind….
Southampton boat show is over – yes, it was exhausting, but that was balanced by the pleasure of seeing so many familiar faces and meeting plenty of new people. Thanks especially to the staff of Kelvin Hughes, stockists of every book about the sea that ever was or is…. great books and great company. I’m just relieved that no-one took a photo of me trying to do a cartwheel over a stack of nautical almanacs on the last day. Well, how was I to know they were so slippery…..
On a less frivolous note, one of the high points of the show was visiting Geoff Holt on board his catamaran Impossible Dream. Geoff is setting off to sail across the Atlantic in a few weeks time, no small feat for a quadriplegic! The boat is amazing, wheelchair tracks to all areas and a wide, accessible control panel in the bridge deck. Have a look at for the full story. Geoff is taking a non-sailing carer with him, so Susana’s job is to care for Geoff, while he cares for the boat. Good luck to them both. Geoff seems to make a habit of doing the impossible – it certainly proves that what you achieve in life has very little to do with where you’re starting from.