Blog Archive

Sailing and sketching in Scilly

Every year I make the long journey to Cornwall at least once. It’s eight hours of tedious driving but I need my fix of rocks, cliffs and steel blue sea. I stay with good friends down in the far southwest corner of the land and we walk the cliffs and coves of Porthgwarra, Porthcurno, Gwennap continue reading »

To Scilly with a sketchbook, and other fragments

When the world seems full of noise and turbulence, anything that is quiet, gentle and creative seems all the more precious. Since last writing, I’ve been to Cornwall for my annual sailing and teaching trip on board Eve of St Mawes (; I also sailed to Scilly on Eve’s big sister Amelie Rose (, where continue reading »

Sailing and sogginess

Each summer I try and have a little adventure. It usually involves messing about on the water on other people’s boats, though last year I took my home with me and that turned out more adventurous than I would have liked – remember my ‘stranded in Haarlem’ espisode? That escapade proved disastrously expensive, so this continue reading »