Blog Archive

Lost and found, past and present

Forgive me if I have told this tale before. Life is not a straight line progression. It’s more like a driver with no map or satnav. The track of our years meanders, falters, takes wrong turnings and goes round in circles then heads straight for a while… .occasionally it crosses a previous path and you continue reading »

Home is a river

The ice floes are long gone and, with the arrival of sunshine, life on the river is once again to be envied rather than pitied….. April was an intense month in the studio, with many projects on the go, but the Beowulf festival at the beginning of May was a great success, culminating in a spectacular continue reading »

Scanning the horizon

I’ve been home for over two months now, trying to catch up with work and life in spite of the best efforts of a rather hefty virus to try and stop me, but I had to return quickly to what is laughingly known as ‘normal’ routine. It took a while after the luxury of ship continue reading »

The hills are alive…

First, a diary extract from July (yes I know, should have done a blog post weeks ago! Bear with me while I catch up)   Youth hostels are extraordinary places. For £12 a night I have a bed overlooking Lake Windermere. The evening light shining on the water makes me long for a small boat continue reading »