Blog Archive

Shipshape schooners and perfect proposals

At the beginning of July I hitched a ride to Brittany on a Welsh schooner, came back on a Cornish lugger and enjoyed three festivals of sail along the way…. but more about that another time. Time to come back down to earth…… My adventures are over for the time being and I’m in sunny continue reading »

From school days to schooners, via Stephen Fry

The only thing I remember about my English teacher at secondary school was the telling off she gave me for wearing my trousers too tight.  Well of course I was. Trousers had only recently been introduced as optional school uniform, so the game was to bend the rules in the same way that we rolled continue reading »

If in doubt, add cushions

Sailing involves many skills, some obvious, some less so. Even landlubbers will know that being around boats involves some or all of the following: – pulling on ropes –  getting from A to B without going aground at C –  steering a straight course for hours on end clutching a mug of lukewarm tea, being continue reading »

Passports and possibilities

Intrepid sailors are a bit like buses – you don’t meet any for ages and then suddenly there’s a whole succession of fascinating salty coves to blog about. It was my enjoyable task recently to introduce the launch of Shirley Billing’s latest book Passport to Adventure, the third and final stage of a circumnavigation that started continue reading »

Latitudes and attitudes

It’s been a good year for meeting varied and intrepid sailors. You could reasonably point out that actually everyone who sails is more fearless than I, who can make an ordeal out of sailing up a creek, but I was in the right place at the right time last week to hear Roger Taylor talk continue reading »