Blog Archive

The voyage within

Starting things is much easier than finishing them. At the beginning of lockdown I made a decision to finish some of the projects I’d begun….but then, like a child who tips the whole toy box upside down instead of playing with one toy at a time, I found more and more things I wanted to continue reading »

Book banquet

If a good book is a nourishing meal, then a blog post is a snack. There is no need to go for the bad ones which are like boiled sweets – bright glossy colours but brittle and with no substance – as there are so many good ones to dip into. One of my favourite continue reading »

Mud, glorious mud

I have spent the last week or so moving all my worldly goods from my winter quarters ashore to my summer residence – an elderly but charming houseboat  in the middle of Woodbridge. I will be the boat’s caretaker for the summer, kicking the bilge pump if the river threatens to get the wrong side continue reading »

History is ship-shaped

I did it;  said goodbye to the river, to damp duvets and the curlew’s cry.  I moved off the boat and into a small flat so I am now in winter mode, turning inwards and facing every creative’s dilemma – the pull of what you feel inspired to do versus the pull of what you continue reading »

Deadlines and delight

   Two things make an illustrator stressed:   a)  Having deadlines.   b)  Not having deadlines.   Last year I was suffering  from the first type.  So far this year the second version is looming.  I’ve plenty of work to get on with, including a revision of the Log Book for Children which is nearly out of print, continue reading »