Blog Archive

Ink blots and bowsprits

The party’s over and I’m back ashore, writing lists. Even my lists have got lists…. admin, invoices, replying to emails, catching up in the studio/gallery, wondering where I’m going to live this winter . You know the kind of thing – all the life ‘stuff’ that you leave behind when you go gadding around and continue reading »

The Lion, the Wrecks and a Coffee House

I’m back afloat again after a busy two weeks back in the studio clearing the decks and catching up with work – including the cover design for Julia Jones’ exciting new book ‘The Lion of Sole Bay’, out in October: Then it was time to pack up my sketch book and rejoin Witch for the continue reading »

If in doubt, add water

After my week in the lovely Orkney Isles, I’ve spent most days in the studio at Waldringfield Boatyard, catching up with ‘stuff’. I’ve even managed to paint a picture or two… dabbling with acrylics for a change, inbetween doing ‘proper’ jobs: These are small squares of board which get paint splashed on them at random…. continue reading »