Blog Archive

Ocean liners, brigantines and barges

When writing this last week I was somewhere in the North Sea, which was its usual shade of sullen grey. White flecks on the waves told me that it was windy and cold out there, but I was warm and comfortable in the drawing room of Cunard’s Queen Anne. I don’t make a habit of continue reading »

Scanning the horizon

I’ve been home for over two months now, trying to catch up with work and life in spite of the best efforts of a rather hefty virus to try and stop me, but I had to return quickly to what is laughingly known as ‘normal’ routine. It took a while after the luxury of ship continue reading »

The hills are alive…

First, a diary extract from July (yes I know, should have done a blog post weeks ago! Bear with me while I catch up)   Youth hostels are extraordinary places. For £12 a night I have a bed overlooking Lake Windermere. The evening light shining on the water makes me long for a small boat continue reading »

Read any good pictures lately?

“A painting”, said a visitor to my studio as he pondered which picture to buy, “is a conversation”.  He chose the one, I guess, that spoke to him most eloquently, and I hope the dialogue is still continuing whenever he looks at it.  It’s true that the most effective paintings are those which leave something for continue reading »