Claudia's Blog

Running away to sea (again!)

They say there are two stages to seasickness; the first is when you’re afraid you’re going to die and the second is when you’re afraid you’re not. Conditions were not particularly severe in the Bay of Biscay on Oceana’s first day out from Southampton, just a bit of an echoing swell from storm Barbara further continue reading »

September songs

So there I was in a swimming pool on the Algarve and in jump some Fisherman’s Friends (the Shanty Group, not the throat sweets). Folk Trio the Young ‘Uns are already in the water and mucking around with a rubber dinghy – two of the band are trying to tip David Eagle into the water continue reading »

The hills are alive…

First, a diary extract from July (yes I know, should have done a blog post weeks ago! Bear with me while I catch up)   Youth hostels are extraordinary places. For £12 a night I have a bed overlooking Lake Windermere. The evening light shining on the water makes me long for a small boat continue reading »

To Scilly with a sketchbook, and other fragments

When the world seems full of noise and turbulence, anything that is quiet, gentle and creative seems all the more precious. Since last writing, I’ve been to Cornwall for my annual sailing and teaching trip on board Eve of St Mawes (; I also sailed to Scilly on Eve’s big sister Amelie Rose (, where continue reading »