Claudia's Blog

Oops, it’s winter

Blog posts are supposed to be short, regular and up to date. I’ve failed on all counts; how did we get from June to December so quickly? ‘Time isn’t what it used to be/I remember when a minute/had sixty seconds in it/now it seems there’s only two or three’ (words from a song that’s yet continue reading »

Blunt pencils and bright colours

It’s been a busy month for running art courses and there are more to come. Next week I’ll be leading a painting holiday in the lovely Scilly Isles organised by Art Safari – I do love islands and the Scillies are a favourite. Closer to home I’ve done a few workshops and demonstrations, and having continue reading »

Home is a river

The ice floes are long gone and, with the arrival of sunshine, life on the river is once again to be envied rather than pitied….. April was an intense month in the studio, with many projects on the go, but the Beowulf festival at the beginning of May was a great success, culminating in a spectacular continue reading »

Sneaking off to sea again

Ship’s Log: Saga Pearl II, somewhere south of Madeira, due to arrive Funchal 1830 this evening. Wind, NNW 5-6, sea state moderate (2-3m swell). Weather: cloudy, temperature 15 degrees. Preparation for this afternoon’s art class done, forecast for lunch: imminent and looking good. Did I say I was not cruising this winter? I changed my continue reading »